Being healthy isn't just about staying active anymore, you have to consider everything you are putting on your body and in your body.  A hard task for us, as our morning routine used to start with 2-cups of coffee and something sweet and sugary!  Fast forward an hour and we were ravenous, tired, cranky and regretting our AM decision. 

Our journey into clean beauty has brought about a full transformation into a clean and healthy life, filled with all-natural cleaning products and a full assessment at food labels and ingredient lists.  If we can't pronounce it, it's going back on the shelf!

One of our new favorite additions to our daily routine is juicing - the perfect way for us to introduce more heart-healthy veggies and fruits into our daily lives.  It helps that gorgeous celebrities like Blake Lively and Michelle Williams swear by it and say that the green juice they drink daily (packed with nutrient-rich produce like kale and beets) is their secret weapon to looking and feeling good.  These two effortless beauties and more, claim that the green juice they consume helps them feel energized, makes their skin glow, and peels off pounds effortlessly. Not to mention it’s pretty tasty too!

If you are new to juicing and need some help figuring out the perfect recipes so you don't end up sipping 8 ounces of bland warm celery, we found some star-worthy juice recipes from Eric Helms' book The Juice Generation. Helms is the founder of Juice Generation cold-pressed juice bars in New York City,  and truly the leader of making this 'trend' something that will be around for a very long time!  Here are some of our favorite stars and their all-time favorite green juice recipes.

Blake Lively’s Detox Drink

1 cup kale
2 Swiss chard leaves
1/2 cup parsley
1/2 small beet
1/2 cup pineapple
2 green apples (use red for sweeter flavor)
1 sprig fresh mint
1/2 lemon, peeled
Combine all ingredients in a blender or juicer and process until smooth. 

Michelle Williams’ Green Goodness


3 kale leaves
1 cup spinach
2 Swiss chard leaves
4 apples (use green for less sugar)
1/2 lemon, peeled


Combine all ingredients in a juicer or blender and process until smooth. 

Debra Messing’s Morning Elixir


3 kale leaves
1 cup spinach
1 apple
5 celery stalks
1/4 medium cucumber
1/2 beet
1/2 lemon, peeled

Combine all ingredients in a juicer or blender and process until smooth.


Sanya Richards-Ross’ Gold Medal Greens


1 cup spinach
1 cup parsley
1/2 small beet
2 apples
1/2 pear
4 carrots

Combine all ingredients in a juicer or blender until smooth.